Thursday, April 4, 2019

When you are doing LOVE SPELLS. You DON'T PLAY FAIR!

     When you are doing love spells you don't play fair lol. I don't mean hurting the one that you are trying to get back together with but you need to use not only magick but STRATEGY. Think of the definition of strategy right? The definition of strategy means. A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
"time to develop a coherent economic strategy"
synonyms:a master plan, grand design, game plan, plan of action, planpolicy, proposed action, schemeblueprintprogramprocedureapproachscheduleMore
  • the art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.
    synonyms:the art of war, military science, military tactics; 
    "the process could revolutionize military strategy"
  • a plan for military operations and movements during a war or battle. So overall, you have to do your part, listen to your spiritual advisor(like me) so that you can get the results. ROOTWORK AND MAGICK play together an intricate part in you getting what you want. Sometimes it can be fun and empowering when you are working on your target or lover in getting them back and getting them to do what you want. If you are serious about getting your lover back or working on finding new love. Then we need to talk lol. As the popular saying goes "THERE ARE LEVELS TO THIS SHIT"! HAHAHA!  
    "nonprovocative defense strategies"

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