Saturday, April 6, 2019

Blessing and Consecration services. | Spiritualsuppliesandcandles

                  FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW. Check out my video showing my proof and credentials.

Hello, my name is High Priestess Kathie and I am an ordained minister of spirituality which means I have the rights of passage to marry people and to anoint and consecrate anything that I offer in my store.  If you are wanting any of your items like amulets, jewelry, candles, and oils blessed or consecrated( I can even dress the candle for you). It would be 60 dollars plus the cost of the item along with. You can add this service to your cart. Then you can email me at to let me know which items or item you want to be blessed. Allow at least 2 weeks or less for your order to come to you if you are wanting this service it would take me a few more days to get this to you Ase'!!!

Blessing and Consecration services. | Spiritualsuppliesandcandles

Just wanted to let my clients and potential customers that they can have the items that they want to be anointed or blessed by me now. Some of you are already practitioners and you already do this for your clients but if you are looking for some added extra protection and you don't know how to do this or would like to have me do this for you. Make sure you add this service when you check out of Spiritualsuppliesandcandles along with your item or items. If you would like to make sure that a certain item is consecrated or blessed. Contact us at if you need to make sure it will be done or if you have any questions. Thank you for taking the time to read this ASE!!

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