Friday, April 12, 2019

Sometimes you have to leave people alone when they are going through spiritual attacks.

Sometimes you have to get away or stay away from people who are being spiritually attacked if you don't have the energy, time or truly can be there to support them. Sometimes spirit deals with people and doesn't want us to interfere with that because of a lesson or life decision that they have to learn from. This can be life-changing decisions that you or I are not to be a part of and it's not that we don't support that person but we have to know our place too when we have that feeling that we can only do so much for that person. You don't want to lose yourself, time and energy in a person that has changed on you. It's not for us to really understand. It has nothing to do with us, its all about them. So we need to stand back and let that person that we care about deal with what they really have to go through and if that person was really there for you. They will be back around in your life if you want them there. Hope this helps some of you who might be going through this. 

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