Sunday, May 26, 2019


     First I want to thank YOU! Yes, YOU! The person that is reading this blog. I appreciate you for reading this post. So around a couple of weeks, I asked if my people on Facebook would like to see a cash giveaway on youtube, because of my distributor and sponsor wanted to sell their products in my store. After careful consideration. I decided that yes would be my decision. So now I am doing my first Cash Giveaway! I have done a giveaway before but this is the first time. I have offered cash. SOOOO Let's get to the rules, shall we?

THE RULES WILL BE IN THE VIDEO! Very simple rules. Just 3 to be eligible to win. If you can share this in your groups with your friends and family on Facebook,  I sure do thank you very kindly. Get them in on this. Like I said. If this giveaway does well. I will have another in the future, very soon. Ase'

"CLICK" Here to see the youtube cash giveaway video.

"CLICK" here to take you to the Orisha and Deity Store.

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