Tuesday, April 9, 2019

1 Lb Money Drawing powder incense | Spiritualsuppliesandcandles

My incense powders do very well in my store. Not only because they all smell so good it is because they are powerful and increase whatever you desire and welcome that energy into your home. I have the love, protection, dragons blood, etc a whole POUND of this for under $20.00 if you use the coupon code $krazymoney after you get your products in the checkout. You will get 10% off your total order if you get the money drawing incense. #Money #Manifesting#InviteWealthIntoYourHome #Prosperity

1 Lb Money Drawing powder incense | SpiritualsuppliesandcandlesMONEY DRAWING INCENSE SMELLS SOOOO GOOOD!! CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS!

Sunday, April 7, 2019




If you are not able to read that this is what I said.

It's pretty much what you believe. Do you or do you not believe in Karma. Some say it's real some say it's not. It's a debate and argument that has been going on for centuries. I for one believe good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. It's all in your mind. If you work and cast black magick and you feel you will have repercussions, just from the power of your thoughts alone. Anything bad would happen and you would believe that it was because of something you did. To answer your question for an example would be the time I cast a love obsession spell. I had always did love work on this person but it wouldn't stick and when I combined it with the obsession part. He started to scare me and I had to get away from him basically sneak away and yes you can get what you want but will it really be worth it? Or are you or will you be really prepared and ready for something like that at all cost?

If you feel lead to wanting to try a love spell or have been considering it. Then I would recommend you hire or book me for a consultation so that we can discuss this further. You need to know what could happen or what you would need to do to watch out for signs just in case. 

Follow and click here to hire or book me for a spiritual consultation.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Blessing and Consecration services. | Spiritualsuppliesandcandles

                  FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW. Check out my video showing my proof and credentials.

Hello, my name is High Priestess Kathie and I am an ordained minister of spirituality which means I have the rights of passage to marry people and to anoint and consecrate anything that I offer in my store.  If you are wanting any of your items like amulets, jewelry, candles, and oils blessed or consecrated( I can even dress the candle for you). It would be 60 dollars plus the cost of the item along with. You can add this service to your cart. Then you can email me at ladykatherine38@yahoo.com to let me know which items or item you want to be blessed. Allow at least 2 weeks or less for your order to come to you if you are wanting this service it would take me a few more days to get this to you Ase'!!!

Blessing and Consecration services. | Spiritualsuppliesandcandles

Just wanted to let my clients and potential customers that they can have the items that they want to be anointed or blessed by me now. Some of you are already practitioners and you already do this for your clients but if you are looking for some added extra protection and you don't know how to do this or would like to have me do this for you. Make sure you add this service when you check out of Spiritualsuppliesandcandles along with your item or items. If you would like to make sure that a certain item is consecrated or blessed. Contact us at ladykatherine38@yahoo.com if you need to make sure it will be done or if you have any questions. Thank you for taking the time to read this ASE!!


Just in case you missed it! Check out the livestream this evening. Talking about how to not cast your pearls among swine and lots of other great information. Also storytime!

Friday, April 5, 2019

ANKH | What is an(Egyptian) Ankh?

Thanks for stopping by! Please do share this video. Comment, like, subscribe and hit that notifications bell for new videos!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

When you are doing LOVE SPELLS. You DON'T PLAY FAIR!

     When you are doing love spells you don't play fair lol. I don't mean hurting the one that you are trying to get back together with but you need to use not only magick but STRATEGY. Think of the definition of strategy right? The definition of strategy means. A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
"time to develop a coherent economic strategy"
synonyms:a master plan, grand design, game plan, plan of action, planpolicy, proposed action, schemeblueprintprogramprocedureapproachscheduleMore
  • the art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle.
    synonyms:the art of war, military science, military tactics; 
    "the process could revolutionize military strategy"
  • a plan for military operations and movements during a war or battle. So overall, you have to do your part, listen to your spiritual advisor(like me) so that you can get the results. ROOTWORK AND MAGICK play together an intricate part in you getting what you want. Sometimes it can be fun and empowering when you are working on your target or lover in getting them back and getting them to do what you want. If you are serious about getting your lover back or working on finding new love. Then we need to talk lol. As the popular saying goes "THERE ARE LEVELS TO THIS SHIT"! HAHAHA!  
    "nonprovocative defense strategies"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

How to manage a SUCCESSFUL Magickal FACEBOOK GROUP!

This is a great video and information if you are trying to grow your facebook page! For business or for meeting people. Whatever you want to accomplish on facebook you don't have to spend a lot of money on ads! This is the FACEBOOK secret that many and INCLUDING FACEBOOK don't want you to know about!