Monday, July 15, 2019

I met one of my YOUTUBE SPAMMERS through ETSY!!! A must read!!! If you are a spiritualist!



o this happened to me! I was online doing some personal shopping for myself and I encountered a shop ran on Etsy. I wanted to buy some products and have some things hand made. Well...first of all, I will say this! Please try to remain anonymous or do not use your spiritual name and account when you are buying from Etsy stores and any spiritual/botanica supplies online. You never know who is behind that store or shop...So getting back to the story. I had asked for something to be personally made and the person responded and told me that they would be able to do this for me and told me about how much it was going to cost. I was really happy as we did negotiate and talk about the price. Soooo...

The next day comes and then the afternoon and I don't hear anything back from this seller. So, of course, I contact the seller and asked: "if they(my items) were made already or getting started on the project or if there is anything else I had to do"? She replied, "I am actually not going to be able to do it because I don't have the time right now to do the project as fast as you want it and I am moving". I think I said thank you, or I just didn't

Spirit was showing me a vision of this person not liking me or has an issue with me. I knew something was up and spirit told me to go back and take a look at her shop. THEN I SAW IT! LOL!!!
SHE WAS A SPAMMER FROM MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL THAT I DELETED MANY TIMES! Now, I will say that I have deleted this person quite a few times so I do remember the logo and the name! I really didn't notice or really paid attention because I was just focused on buying the product. I am just glad that I didn't actually buy the product so that this person had my information. I mean I use my business address when doing business, so I wasn't worried but I was just thinking like wow what if it was someone that wasn't ethical or moral lol. Just a friendly tip and hopefully a reminder for those of you out there... in these SPIRITUAL STREETS!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Hello, my witchy peeps and family! So I decided to post this! I saw it in one of the facebook groups and felt that some of you should know or get familiar with RETRODRAGE SEASONS!!! Nothing to be afraid of but in most cases, especially when Mercury goes direct, just about everyone goes through something or have tech issues. I for one HAVE for the past couple of days and as it can be so frustrating it's good to be aware and be familiar with all the retrogrades. Some help to realize how much power you hold and will teach you things about the universe that surrounds us. Also, a lot of you are saying how people are getting smart with you and trying to start stuff AND TESTING YOUR GANGSTA...well YES it's true! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF IT ALL!! Make sure you are aware of it and get ready for it so you can try to avoid it. This one has people feeling "SOME KIND OF WAY" and all up "IN THEIR FEELINGS" HAHAHA! WOOOO!!! Wrapping this up I do want to wish you all a safe and peaceful retrograde. Try to stay calm as these situations will make you frustrated, short patience and agitated lol. Just know that this month it will be all over around July 31st and the next Retrograde will be about Self-healing and &Inner wounds. Share this with a friend or in your groups! 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

It saddens me to say that my perfume "Secrets of Conjure" will be discontinued by August and I will no longer have that in my online store😢.


Well, dear hearts with all good things sometimes there must come an end too it. It saddens me to say that my perfume "Secrets of Conjure" will be discontinued by August and I will no longer have that in my online store😢.

It was a fun ride while it lasted and also I learned a lot about the perfume business. This is something that I have always wanted to do! I remember my grandmother would get on to me when I was a child to get out of her perfumes. I was always in her Chanel number 5 and that was my favorite of hers.  I only have about 6 bottles left you guys. Even though I won't be doing business with that particular perfume company again. I am also very HAPPY to say that I am talking to a new company and they are excited about helping me launch my new fragrance and I will have exclusive rights over my scents and products. So it won't be just a "signature" scent it will be all me! Be on the lookout for that! The cost for "secrets of conjure" is $73.00 total with shipping included for each of my last bottles, of course, I kept a couple for myself for memories sake. I truly appreciated the experience of it all and wouldn't have changed a thing, and just the when one door closes the ancestors will open up another Ase'! Just check out the screenshot below of what my last client who found me on youtube said about secrets of conjure, just a couple of weeks ago. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

'Juju': Three Black Women Learn They're Descendants Of Yoruba Witches In New Fantasy Web Series!

Juju! The Web Series.
photo by photographer Ty Stone
I am so glad that this series is being made! Many of us that are African American are connecting to our roots. Leaving the churches and finding out that we are resilient and many of our ancestors were witches or priestesses. Even though this is a fantasy show. There are some things in there that will resonate with many of us who are witches and practice the occult life. This not just important to all women but this is VERY  also very important to African American women who are trying to find their way or connect to their ancestors. Knowing that there is no fear in wanting to connect or give offerings to your ancestors. This will help a lot of closed minded people open their eyes and see that all people have the right to practice their own religion and spirituality in peace and in the safety of their home, and if they would just take the time to do research they too will see that in some way we are all connected.

Here is a little info about the writer of Juju the web series. When the witch-centric series Siempre Bruja premiered on Netflix in February, it garnered a large amount of criticism on Twitter for its premise: A time-traveling Afro-Colombian witch goes to the 21st-century at the behest of a wizard who promises to save the life of her lover--a white man who turns out to be her slaveholder's son.

Black witches often receive the short end of the stick in fantasy television.  They are usually sidekicks who aid the white lead with relatively little to no backstory. The combined viewer frustration from Siempre Bruja begged the question: When will we get a show about Black witches without the stench of slavery and white saviors?
Answering the call is, Juju a mystical, dark fantasy web series written by Jhé "Moon" Ferguson.

 Also, thanks to Shadow and Act for that awesome article! The link to find the source where I got the photo and information. Get to know the 3 main black witch characters where they have videos about who they are. Just click on the shadow and act like below and it will take you there enjoy!!

Shadow And Act/ Juju the web series

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