Saturday, June 3, 2017

Dream interpretation services!

****Dream interpretation services****
I get a lot of people who ask me about their dreams. Some dreams haunt them and some just need help decoding, people just want to know if it means anything at all. I believe that spirit gives us important messages in our dreams. I have done many interpretations in my regular readings. However, spirit has been putting this on my heart to provide it as a service and to be more attentive to people who have this need. Here is how it works:
1. Hire me for the dream interpretation service for $60 by paypal or google wallet.
2. Send me a text, email or voice recording of your dream.
3. I will have your dream chart reading in about 24 to 48 hours or asap!
4. You can message me back and ask me up to 3 questions for free.
5. If you want to chat or talk about the dream by phone. Then it will be the regular fee for consultations which is $40 for thirty minutes or $70 for an hour. This is for the time cause it will take a lot to go through your dream interpretation and get all of the information gathered and to get your questions answered. 

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