Sunday, July 28, 2019



     I had a young man ask me "do I not support men? I see you are for the ladies". The truth is that I DO SUPPORT MEN! We need our men to protect us not to use and abuse us for whatever reason. Instead of men using their power and strength to protect women I see a lot of men using it to their advantage and taking advantage. I can't tell you how many penis candles I have sold and the stories I have heard. Yes, I know men can get hurt too but this is about the women. Women need to know that just about everything we were taught was wrong and a lie. Many women live their lives for someone that isn't for them. They wait for years for a man and lose their mind, battle depression and anxiety over a man that doesn't feel the way they do, but some men will resurface when they need sex or money and play the part of a boyfriend and then dash out again. The truth is that a man has the right to feel the way he wants too. He doesn't have to be with any woman he doesn't want and will not serve a purpose in his life and women need to know this too. Many men keep their options open. I am just a messager letting women know that they need to do that too. Ladies you don't even have to let anyone know that you are keeping your options open. It does not make you a slut or easy what it really says is that you are not looking to settle. If you are happy with yourself you will start to attract better options. I am here to let you know. I feel it is an obligation to let younger women know how it is. So many need guidance and the tools to live a good life. That is my focus. Then the message will go to their family and friends. I feel if I can help people understand the basics of self-love that they can pick and choose what helps and serves them in their life.
Keep striving to be the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF! Get hard to find candles!

Monday, July 15, 2019

I met one of my YOUTUBE SPAMMERS through ETSY!!! A must read!!! If you are a spiritualist!



o this happened to me! I was online doing some personal shopping for myself and I encountered a shop ran on Etsy. I wanted to buy some products and have some things hand made. Well...first of all, I will say this! Please try to remain anonymous or do not use your spiritual name and account when you are buying from Etsy stores and any spiritual/botanica supplies online. You never know who is behind that store or shop...So getting back to the story. I had asked for something to be personally made and the person responded and told me that they would be able to do this for me and told me about how much it was going to cost. I was really happy as we did negotiate and talk about the price. Soooo...

The next day comes and then the afternoon and I don't hear anything back from this seller. So, of course, I contact the seller and asked: "if they(my items) were made already or getting started on the project or if there is anything else I had to do"? She replied, "I am actually not going to be able to do it because I don't have the time right now to do the project as fast as you want it and I am moving". I think I said thank you, or I just didn't

Spirit was showing me a vision of this person not liking me or has an issue with me. I knew something was up and spirit told me to go back and take a look at her shop. THEN I SAW IT! LOL!!!
SHE WAS A SPAMMER FROM MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL THAT I DELETED MANY TIMES! Now, I will say that I have deleted this person quite a few times so I do remember the logo and the name! I really didn't notice or really paid attention because I was just focused on buying the product. I am just glad that I didn't actually buy the product so that this person had my information. I mean I use my business address when doing business, so I wasn't worried but I was just thinking like wow what if it was someone that wasn't ethical or moral lol. Just a friendly tip and hopefully a reminder for those of you out there... in these SPIRITUAL STREETS!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Hello, my witchy peeps and family! So I decided to post this! I saw it in one of the facebook groups and felt that some of you should know or get familiar with RETRODRAGE SEASONS!!! Nothing to be afraid of but in most cases, especially when Mercury goes direct, just about everyone goes through something or have tech issues. I for one HAVE for the past couple of days and as it can be so frustrating it's good to be aware and be familiar with all the retrogrades. Some help to realize how much power you hold and will teach you things about the universe that surrounds us. Also, a lot of you are saying how people are getting smart with you and trying to start stuff AND TESTING YOUR GANGSTA...well YES it's true! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF IT ALL!! Make sure you are aware of it and get ready for it so you can try to avoid it. This one has people feeling "SOME KIND OF WAY" and all up "IN THEIR FEELINGS" HAHAHA! WOOOO!!! Wrapping this up I do want to wish you all a safe and peaceful retrograde. Try to stay calm as these situations will make you frustrated, short patience and agitated lol. Just know that this month it will be all over around July 31st and the next Retrograde will be about Self-healing and &Inner wounds. Share this with a friend or in your groups!