Monday, April 1, 2019

the Diogenes Club - Failure

This music is soooo beautiful! The Diogenes Club is very underrated as a band and musical group. Take the time to check out their songs and music. Change the pace. This will certainly elevate you and their music is not only Magickal it is Spiritual and very healing. Great for emotional health. Get ready to relax and take a journey and leave your problems and concerns behind for a little while. Ase'

To order spiritual supplies "CLICK HERE"

Sunday, March 31, 2019

People may forget what you did or said, but they NEVER forget how you made them feel.

     Recently I got word back that a "certain" someone was talking about me on social media. Well, the truth is that I understand that a person is still ANGRY with me. Sometimes people can be so hurt by words that it affects how they see themselves and every time they see you or hear about you, all that they can think about is the things you said to them. The question is..."how do you make it right"? Especially if you have tried but the person just won't talk to you or respond? Well, the truth is that sometimes people will never forgive you nor they will never get past it and the truth is that "IT'S OKAY". People are entitled to what and how they want to feel. Sometimes the best thing is to allow the universe to settle the issues. Sometimes there is no spell in the world that can make a person like you, forgive you, or even want you. Sometimes you just have to say that "I tried to make it right but it didn't work". That is why you get to know people when you first meet them so that you can decide if you really like them or not. If it doesn't work "IT'S OKAY". 

Friday, March 29, 2019

Pomba Gira

Today on facebook I shared this BEAUTIFUL art photo of Pomba Gira! This was created by artist Julia Roberts(if I am mistaken about the name please correct me and let me know). She has super awesome and fantastic taste in her works of art. She many. Here is an example below and I hope you enjoy it. Ase'

Just who is Pomba Gira?

Here is a youtube video that I made about Pomba Gira 

Pomba Gira

Also known as: Exua (Pronounced: Eh-shooah or Esh-wah)

Pomba Gira evokes powerful reactions:

• Some considerer her a whore, slut, prostitute, or devil-woman.

• For others she is a goddess of love, sex, success, and abundance.

Pomba Gira is the scarlet woman, the sacred harlot, and the lady of crossroads and street lights. An Afro-Brazilian spirit, Pomba Gira derives from the intersection of Iberian, Gitano, and Central African roots. Pomba Gira is the crossroad where these traditions meet. She is a goddess of power, eroticism, death, and vengeance. She has dominion over sex for pleasure and power, not procreation. (That said, she can bestow fertility when and if she desires.) Pomba Gira is an oracular spirit who can reveal the past and future, but she can be a brutally plain-spoken truth-teller. Don’t ask her for information unless you are ready to hear unvarnished truths.

Pomba Gira’s origins are mysterious. She is not worshipped in African traditions, only in Brazil. (It is possible that devotees did not survive elsewhere. See also: Ochossi.) Pomba Gira is sometimes translated as “whirling dove,” which is not inappropriate as many Pomba Giras love to dance, but the name really derives from the Kikongo Mpamba Nzila or “crossroad.”

Sometimes when people refer to Pomba Gira they really mean Maria Padilha (or vice versa). The names are frequently used interchangeably but there are many Pomba Giras. These may be multiple paths of one goddess or Pomba Gira may name an entire category of spirits. (See also: Ezili; Mami Waters; Simbi.)

Maria Padilha may be the Queen Pomba Gira. It’s possible that at least some of the other Pomba Giras are vestiges of the Fairy court of beautiful female spirits who serve as the entourage for Spain’s Maria de Padilla. They may have accompanied their queen on her sea voyage to Brazil. As she transformed into Maria Padilha, so they too transformed into Pomba Giras. (See also: Padilha, Maria; Padilla, Maria de.)

The names Pomba Gira and Exua are also sometimes used interchangeably. As Exua, Pomba Gira is identified as the wife of Exu, the Brazilian path of Eshu Elegbara.

Depending on her path, Pomba Gira may be hot and passionate or cold and calculating. Some paths of Pomba Gira are associated with vampires. In addition to Maria Padilha, paths of Pomba Gira include:

• Maria Mulambo

• Maria Quiteria

• Pomba Gira Seven Crossroads

• Pomba Gira Queen of the Crossroads

• Pomba Gira of the Souls

• Pomba Gira Tsigana (Gypsy)

• Pomba Gira Queen of Calunga (Queen of the Sea)

• Pomba Gira Bonita

• Sulamita

Pomba Gira is an ally of women. She bestows fertility but is also invoked to cause miscarriage when pregnancy is inconvenient or disastrous.

Favored people: Women, crossdressers, sex workers, transvestites

Manifestation: Manifestation depends on which Pomba Gira appears or is invoked. Most dress in red (if they’re dressed at all). Pomba Gira sometimes manifests as a drag queen.

Iconography: Again this depends upon the path, but she may be depicted as a red she-devil complete with pitchfork, horns, and cloven hoof or as a beautiful, scantily clad woman.

Color: Red

Time: Midnight

Sacred site: Pomba Gira haunts crossroads, street corners, and nightclubs. Some paths of Pomba Gira display fondness for seashores and cemeteries, too.

Offerings: Perfume, cosmetics, roses, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products

See also: Calunga; Eshu Elegbara; Exu; Fairy; Madama, La; Padilha, Maria; Vampire; and the Glossary entry for Path

From the Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses – Written by : Judika Illes Copyright © 2009 by Judika Illes.

Source for information:

The Pataki of Oshun

Here is a blog article about a Pataki about Oshun. If you read it. Let me know what you think? Do you think it was correct information? Or did you not like it or agree with it? I would like to know how YOU feel. Your opinion matters to me on this page. Here is the link to go read and the credit source for this information.

Oshun one day was preparing for a party. She gathered her gold, jewelry, and perfumes heading towards the river. She sat down and started to dress her body in the silk and perfuming herself from head to toe. Oshun put on her gold bangles and many pieces of jewelry on. Her hair she braided, decorating it with shells and placed her headscarf in a way her style showed. Oshun looked at her beautiful reflection in the water.
Oshun then started walking through the village heading towards the party when she passed a small group of children. They were playing, jumping, and laughing bringing her a smile to her face. She walked passed them and she sprinkled honey on them, making them happier and they bowed to her. Oshun's thoughts were deep with the fact she wanted some youth activity and say down near Iroko, a Ceiba tree. She was deep in though and a tear dropped. 
Iroko asked her what was happening to her. Oshun told Iroko how much she missed having children around her. He told her that children are truly a gift and Oshun asked Iroko to help her bare children that she could raise. Iroko told that he would help her and her payment was for her to accompany him once in a while. Oshun promised.
Time passed and she bared a small boy. Oshun raised him with love and he was her joy. One day she passed by Iroko and he greeted her, telling Oshun that he had heard that she had a child. She responded Yes and kept on walking, forgetting her promise to Iroko. He asked if she was going to keep him company and she promised she would bring him a goat. Iroko agreed to this. 
Many years passed after this and Iroko found Oshun passing by him again. She sat for 2 minutes fixing her scarfs, Iroko was happy Oshun was sitting with him and tried for some conversation. She soon stood up and gathered her things. Iroko asked if she was going to stay for a while, she apologized and said something else was pending. Oshun realized that Iroko was bothered that she did not keep her promise, she promised to bring him some amala(cornmeal). He agreed once more.
Another couple of years passed by and Oshun headed for the marketplace passing by Iroko. She was in a great hurry and saluted him, giving him a smile. Iroko mentioned that he was tired of waiting since he did her a favor and she was not living up to her words. Oshun felt very bad for the great Iroko and told him that she would bring him the child to spend some time with him. Iroko soon agreed again.
A total of 5 years passed and Elegua walked through the forest, seeing his friend Iroko. Elegua walked over and greeted the great Iroko. He sat under the shade and talked for many hours with him. He listened to Iroko's stories and Elegua sat there drinking his rum and playing with 5 precious stones in his bag. Iroko was grateful that Elegua had stopped to talk to him and told him that he loved for people to sit under his shade.
Iroko soon started telling Elegua of how Oshun had not come in an awhile and how she had promised him a goat and some amala. Elegua knew how Oshun was told Iroko not to worry. Elegua soon heard some gossip in the winds and Iroko knew how Elegua was, telling him to go about and to stop by whenever he wished.
Many weeks later Elegua stumbled on a village and saw children playing. He stopped and played with them, seeing one of them who was dressed in yellow. Elegua followed the kid as he was heading for the road, telling him that he was taking a long way and he rather take the forest. He gave him the 5 precious stones and laid a path for him into the woods.
Idea walked and came across Iroko. He sat under Iroko and began playing with the 5 precious stones that Elegua had given him. Iroko grew happy and spoke to the little one. Idea told Iroko he was the child of Oshun  Iroko hearing this thought that Oshun had finally lived up to her promise. He began telling Ideu stories and he was intrigued. He told Iroko not to stop and Iroko brought him into his domain under the Earth to continue storytelling.
Oshun became frantic at not finding her beloved child. The days turned into weeks and she searched everywhere with no success. 5 years soon passed and Oshun lost her sweetness and became depressed. She passed by Iroko and did not speak to him, Iroko say that the Orisha was no longer happy. 

The next morning Oshun made her way throughout the forest and noticed Iroko standing happy. She greeted him and Iroko asked Oshun if she had found her son, she responding no. He told her that she should always live up to her word and not promise something without paying. She nodded her head and understood. Iroko looked at Oshun and told her he had a gift that would bring sweetness to her. The Earth opened and a hill filled with gold, jewels, and riches came out with Ideu on top of it. Ideu was happy as can be by the many stories Iroko told him. Oshun cried and grabbed her son. Ideu told Oshun the many stories and the riches of Iroko. Oshun told Ideu that he would guard her riches the way he guarded Irokos. Oshun looked at Iroko and thanked him but told him he should not have done such a thing. So from now on, children of Oshun cannot go near Iroko.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Laughter is the best medicine(seriously it is).

     Laughter is the best medicine! I know this for a fact. For those of you who follow my facebook. You will see that I tell a lot of jokes and just have fun with my friends on there. Yes, we talk about serious issues and I also sell spiritual supplies, do rootwork and spellwork for people, as well as do spirit readings and consultations for people. It's important that when you are a spiritual worker that you find that balance in your life and you don't have to become SO SERIOUS about expressing yourself that you lose track of the small things in life and take time away from stress and situations that you can't control. Ase'