Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year Goals! What's yours?

So many of you have dreams and goals that you want to accomplish. Don't let negativity and negative people tell you that you can't do this and do that. This is your path to walk and whether that is to shine or to fail. The key is to keep wanting more for yourself keep working on your goals. The thing that you wanted 2 years ago may not be what you are wanting now. That is how life is and that is how spirit works with you. All in all if you want something really bad at least go for it so you don't look back in life and say "what if"? The negative person that told you it couldn't be done, will not care or even forget about what they said and the only person that will remember is you! #LiveYourLife
#NoExcuses #NewYearGoals

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Secrets of Conjure
Happy Holidays and New Years Special! Running until Jan. 3rd!! Treat yourself or give a gift of "secrets of conjure"! Get $20 dollars off free shipping is included! Must inbox me or contact me at to get the deal. If you try to purchase on my website it will charge you the full price.
