Thursday, December 13, 2018

Consultations are $70 per hour or $40 for thirty minutes.

That's why I do consultations cause people will completely waste your time. If they are serious about getting help they will pay the little consultation fee to find out if they want work with you or not. #DontLetPeopleWasteYourTime#IfYouCannotAffordAConsultationYoucannotAffordtoGetWorkDone

This portrait is called "unbothered" by art of Dananayi. 😀

This portrait is called "unbothered" by art of Dananayi. ðŸ˜€

White Sage and smduge kit!

Simple white sage smudge Kit! Not expensive at all! Check on my website for prices. Good for those who don't use sage very much or for the beginner.
White Sage Smudge Kit!

This portrait is called "Kehlani" by Briebenrothdesign.

This portrait is called "Kehlani" by Briebenrothdesign.