Friday, September 15, 2017

I truly didn't realize how important it was to get a website! I am truly almost overwhelmed with doing readings and consultations. I have to back away and cleanse, recharge and take time for me. I have also just turned some people away, especially when they are just chit chatting a little too much.👑👑👑👑👑 When Oshun blesses you, you better believe she coming through pouring pouring pouring! #Oshun #ThankingTheAncestors


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Always go with your gut instinct! That is your intuition your ancestors your spirits around you that are there for you to guide you and protect you. If you get a hunch about someone listen to that. If you still feel you want to get to know that person then make sure that you protect yourself and only share information that you wouldn't mind getting back to other people. It's okay to make a person "prove" that you were wrong about them. That doesn't cost anything but dealing with the wrong people can cost you your life.

~HighPriestess Kathie

R.I.P  Kenneka Jenkins