Tuesday, February 7, 2017


For all you you tumblr heads out there please feel free to follow me and if you message me I will follow you back. I am still learning how this tumblr thing goes. I am actually enjoying doing this blogging as well! Trust me there are so many things that I want to say and will say in the future. It's great to be able to go online and feel free to express oneself without worrying about backlash. It's just something about that freedom of speech we are all trying so desperately trying to hold on to in this American society.

If you really like someone, coming off as a "know it all" disagreeing with everything they say and being a "buzz kill" isn't going to get you very far IJS! #ifitdontapplyletitfly #Itrytotakemyownadvice

Friday, February 3, 2017

Question for ya'll today..if you are against Trump, would you be able to go out or date a person that was for Trump and shared his beliefs along with his agenda. Let's say you really fell hard for the person. Would this be a deal breaker for you to stay in a serious relationship? Just curious witches and family what you think?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Blessings are all I see. Money, love and health is me.
I see with my eyes all that will be. All that I ask for is me.
It is all manifested in my hands mote so let it be!